Better Ballots 101

UPDATE: Monthly course being replaced with on-demand videos.

Wanna learn more about voting systems?  Are you the kind of person who knows they don't like First-Past-the-Post... but doesn't really understand what the alternatives are? 

Better Ballots 101 was a monthly one-hour beginners crash course for those who wanna learn more about Canada's lousy voting system - and how we can fix it. We explored all the basics: How our current system fails us, and what the other options are - systems already being used successfully all over the world!

Starting in 2024, the monthly Zoom class will be replaced with a series of videos that you can watch anytime!

We’ll Cover :

• Why our system is so polarised
• Why we see so few women and BIPOC politicians
• Plurality VS Majority VS Proportional
• Better systems, used all over the world
• Common myths
• How we can move forward
+ more!

Stay tuned!


Voices From The Movement